CCSD Registration for 2023/2024 School Year will begin April 11th!
Online Registration (OLR) is an annual CCSD online application for parents/guardians to register their students and provide current household information. Each year, parents/guardians must complete only one OLR application for all students living in their household. For existing students, the parent/guardian in the primary household must be the one to complete an OLR application.
A primary household address indicates where the student primarily lives. The address within the primary household determines the zoned school where the student will attend. Infinite Campus allows students to have only one primary household.
New To District
Parents/Guardians who are brand new to the district, or those who did not register for the last school year, can complete the OLR application through the link provided at ccsd.net.
Parents who have students currently enrolled in a CCSD school will use their Campus Parent account to register their students or add a new student.
Campus Parent
This is an online communication program that provides parents/guardians 24-hour access to student grades, attendance, schedule, progress reports, transcripts, immunizations, OLR application, and more.
Find further information here.
Pre-Kindergarten Program Interest Form
Formulario de Interes del Programa Preescolar de CCSD
If you are interested in having your student attend a Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K) Program, please read and submit this Pre-K Program Interest Form.
Click HERE for the interest form.
Please note:
Students will be assigned to a Pre-K program with availability closest to their home.
If there are no available Pre-K seats, students will be placed on a waitlist and parents/guardians will be notified when an opportunity becomes available.
This Pre-K Interest Form is valid for the 2023–2024 school year.
Si está interesado en que su estudiante asista a un programa Preescolar, lea y envíe este Formulario de Interés Preescolar.
Tenga en cuenta:
Los estudiantes serán asignados a un programa Preescolar con disponibilidad más cercana a su hogar.
Si no hay cupos disponibles para el programa Preescolar, los estudiantes serán colocados en una lista de espera y se le notificará a los padres/tutores legal cuando haya una oportunidad disponible.
Este Pre-K formulario de interés es válido para el año escolar 2023–2024.
If you have questions or require additional assistance, please contact the Early Childhood Department at (702) 799-7479.
Si tiene preguntas o necesita asistencia adicional, comuníquese con el Departamento de Enseñanza Preescolar al (702) 799-7479.